Skateboarding Skills: How to Axle Stall

Are you ready to learn how to axle stall? Get ready to take your skateboarding skills to the next level! In this guide, we’ll show you step-by-step how to execute this impressive trick that will leave your friends in awe. So grab your skateboard and let’s dive right in!

An axle stall is an awesome trick that involves balancing on the edge of your skateboard’s axle while on a ramp or coping. It’s a classic move that requires both precision and style. Don’t worry if you’re new to skateboarding or if you’ve never attempted an axle stall before. We’re here to break it down for you in the easiest way possible.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater looking to add new tricks to your repertoire, mastering the axle stall is a must. From proper foot placement to maintaining balance, we’ll cover all the essential tips and techniques you need to know. By the end of this guide, you’ll be cruising up and down ramps, stalling like a pro, and impressing everyone at the skate park!

how to axle stall

How to Axle Stall: Mastering the Skateboarding Trick

Skateboarding is not just about getting from point A to point B. It’s about expressing yourself and mastering a variety of tricks. One such trick is the axle stall, a versatile move that can be performed on ramps, quarterpipes, and other skatepark features. In this article, we will break down the steps to mastering the axle stall, providing detailed instructions and tips to help you execute it with style and confidence.

The Basics of the Axle Stall: Getting Started

Before diving into the specifics of the axle stall, it’s important to have a solid foundation in skateboarding. Make sure you are comfortable riding your skateboard and have a good grasp of basic maneuvers such as ollies, kickturns, and dropping in. These skills will provide you with the necessary balance and control needed to execute the axle stall.

When attempting the axle stall, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of the anatomy of your skateboard. The axle refers to the metal rod that runs through the center of your skateboard’s wheels. It provides stability and allows for smooth turns. The stall, as the name suggests, involves coming to a complete stop while balancing on the axle.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what the axle stall entails, let’s move on to the step-by-step process of performing this trick.

Step 1: Approach the Ramp or Quarterpipe

The first step is to approach the ramp or quarterpipe with moderate speed. As you get closer to the coping (the top edge of the ramp), prepare to set up for the axle stall. Keep your eyes focused on the coping, visualizing the placement of your skateboard’s wheels on the metal.

As you approach the ramp, ensure that your body is centered over the skateboard and your feet are in the appropriate stance. Regular skaters will have their left foot at the front, while goofy skaters will have their right foot at the front. This stance provides stability and optimal balance during the trick.

Remember, confidence is key. Approach the ramp or quarterpipe with determination and a positive mindset.

Step 2: Ollie onto the Coping

Once you reach the coping, it’s time to execute the ollie onto the coping. To perform the ollie, crouch down, and compress your legs. As you explode upwards, simultaneously slide your front foot towards the nose of the skateboard while dragging your back foot up towards the tail. This motion will pop the board into the air.

As you rise, aim to get your skateboard’s wheels onto the coping, ensuring that the axles are centered over it. This requires precise timing and coordination. Practice your ollies on flat ground before attempting them on the ramp, as it will help you develop the necessary skills and muscle memory.

Once you have successfully landed your ollie onto the coping, focus on maintaining your balance and keeping your weight centered over the skateboard.

Step 3: Balancing and Stalling

With your skateboard’s wheels positioned on the coping, it’s time to balance and stall on the axle. Start by bending your knees slightly to maintain stability and control. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your front and back foot.

As you come to a stop on the axle, engage your core muscles to maintain balance. Keep your eyes focused ahead and your body relaxed. The stall can be held for as long as you feel comfortable, but aim for a few seconds initially before progressing to longer stalling times.

When you’re ready to exit the stall, simply shift your weight forward or backward, and let the skateboard roll back down the ramp or quarterpipe. Maintain control and balance throughout the exit to avoid any mishaps.

Tips for Mastering the Axle Stall

Now that you have a good understanding of the steps involved in the axle stall, let’s dive into some additional tips to help you master this trick:

Tip 1: Start Small and Progress Gradually

When learning the axle stall, it’s essential to start with smaller ramps or quarterpipes. This will allow you to build your confidence and master the fundamental techniques before attempting more challenging obstacles. Gradually increase the size of the ramps as you become more comfortable with the trick.

Tip 2: Focus on Body Positioning

Maintaining proper body positioning is crucial for executing the axle stall with ease. Ensure that your weight is centered over the skateboard, and keep your knees bent to absorb any bumps or vibrations. Focus on keeping your body relaxed and your eyes forward throughout the trick.

Tip 3: Practice Regularly and Stay Persistent

Like any other skateboarding trick, mastering the axle stall requires practice and persistence. Set aside dedicated practice sessions where you can focus solely on this trick. With consistent effort and a positive mindset, you will gradually improve your skills and execution.

Axle Stall Variations: Taking it to the Next Level

Once you have mastered the basic axle stall, you can explore various variations to add more flair to your skateboarding repertoire. Here are three popular axle stall variations:

Variation 1: Rock to Fakie

A rock to fakie is a natural progression from the axle stall. It involves rocking back and forth on the axle, using the momentum to roll back down the ramp. As you come down, execute a kickturn to change your direction. This variation adds flow and style to your skateboarding runs.

Variation 2: 5-0 Stall

A 5-0 stall is similar to an axle stall, but instead of stalling on the axle, you stall with the back truck on the coping. Approach the coping at an angle and pivot on the back truck as you hold the stall. This variation requires precise foot positioning and balance.

Variation 3: Feeble Stall

The feeble stall is another exciting variation that involves stalling with the front truck on the coping. Approach the coping at an angle, lock your front truck onto the coping, and execute the stall. This variation requires a good understanding of weight distribution and balance.

By experimenting with these variations and adding your own personal style, you can take the basic axle stall to new heights.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best instructions, mistakes are bound to happen when attempting new skateboarding tricks. Here are a few common axle stall mistakes to watch out for:

Mistake 1: Lack of Speed

Approaching the coping with insufficient speed can result in a failed ollie onto the coping or an unbalanced stall. Make sure to generate enough speed to execute the trick smoothly, but not too much that it becomes uncontrollable.

Mistake 2: Leaning Too Far Forward or Backward

Balancing and weight distribution are crucial during the axle stall. Leaning too far forward or backward can cause you to lose balance and fall off the coping. Focus on keeping your weight centered and maintaining a stable body position.

Mistake 3: Stiff Body Movements

Tension and stiffness in your body can make it difficult to maintain balance and control during the axle stall. Relax your body and let your movements flow naturally. This will help you maintain stability and execute the trick with finesse.

By being aware of these common mistakes, you can minimize the learning curve and progress more efficiently in mastering the axle stall.

Finding Inspiration: Watching Skateboarding Videos

As with any skateboard trick, it’s always helpful to watch and learn from experienced skateboarders. There are countless skateboarding videos available online that showcase different variations of the axle stall, as well as technical tips and expert advice. Take the time to study these videos, observe the skaters’ body movements and foot positioning, and gain inspiration for your own skateboarding journey.

Gear Recommendations for Axle Stall

Skateboarding gear plays a crucial role in performing tricks safely and comfortably. Here are a few gear recommendations to consider when practicing the axle stall:

Gear Recommendation 1: Helmet

Wearing a helmet is a non-negotiable safety precaution. Protect your head from potential falls or accidents by investing in a certified skateboarding helmet. Make sure it fits properly and is securely fastened.

Gear Recommendation 2: Knee and Elbow Pads

Given the stop-and-start nature of the axle stall, it’s important to protect your joints. Knee and elbow pads provide cushioning and prevent injuries in case of falls or collisions. Look for pads specifically designed for skateboarding for optimum protection and mobility.

Gear Recommendation 3: Skate Shoes

Skate shoes are designed specifically for skateboarding, providing both grip and durability. Opt for skate shoes with reinforced stitching and a rubber sole for enhanced performance. Proper footwear will improve your control and allow for better execution of the axle stall.

Investing in quality gear will not only keep you safe but also enhance your overall skateboarding experience.

Axle Stall: A Versatile Skateboarding Trick

The axle stall is a versatile skateboarding trick that can be performed on various obstacles. With patience, consistent practice, and a focus on proper technique, you can master this trick and explore numerous variations. Remember to start small, progress gradually, and always prioritize safety. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the journey of mastering the axle stall!

Key Takeaways: How to Axle Stall

  • An axle stall is a skateboarding trick where you balance on the edge of your skateboard’s axle on a ramp or obstacle.
  • To perform an axle stall, approach the ramp at a comfortable speed and pop an ollie to get your wheels on top of the obstacle.
  • As you reach the peak of your ollie, shift your weight to your back foot and aim to land the edge of your skateboard’s axle on the ramp.
  • Keep your body centered and balanced while sliding along the edge of the ramp, using your arms for stability.
  • To exit the axle stall, shift your weight back to your front foot, and smoothly roll away from the obstacle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section, where we will address some common queries related to axle stalls in skateboarding. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your skills, we’ve got you covered! Read on to find answers to your burning questions about how to perform an axle stall.

1. What is an axle stall in skateboarding?

An axle stall is a fundamental trick in skateboarding that involves riding up a ramp or coping, using your board’s trucks to balance on the coping, and then transitioning back down. It’s a versatile trick that can be performed on various obstacles like quarterpipes, mini ramps, or even larger ramps.

To execute an axle stall, you’ll need to approach the ramp or coping at a comfortable speed, pop an ollie or a small kickturn at the peak of the transition, and land on the coping with your skateboard’s trucks. While balanced on the coping, you can perform additional tricks or simply hold the stall before transitioning back down.

2. What are the key steps to perform an axle stall?

Performing an axle stall involves a few key steps:

1. Approach the ramp or coping with enough speed while maintaining control.

2. Prepare for the stall by bending your knees and getting in a crouched position.

3. As you reach the transition’s peak, ollie or kickturn slightly to lift your board’s wheels off the ramp and land on the coping with your trucks.

4. Find your balance on the coping, using your arms for stability if needed.

5. Hold the stall for as long as desired, executing any other tricks or maneuvers you might want to incorporate.

6. To transition back down, shift your weight forward, release pressure from your trucks, and smoothly roll back down the ramp.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep at it and soon you’ll be nailing axle stalls!

3. What are the common mistakes to avoid when attempting an axle stall?

When attempting an axle stall, there are a few common mistakes you should try to avoid:

1. Lack of speed: Approaching the ramp or coping too slowly can make it difficult to execute the stall. Ensure you have enough speed to carry you up the transition.

2. Not bending your knees: Keeping your body upright and not bending your knees can make it harder to maintain balance on the coping. Bend those knees to get low and stable.

3. Landing too heavily: If you land too hard on the coping, it can throw off your balance and make it challenging to hold the stall. Aim for a controlled and smooth landing.

4. Not committing: Failing to fully commit to the trick can result in a lack of balance and instability, making it challenging to hold the stall. Stay committed throughout the entire maneuver.

By being aware of these common mistakes, you’ll be better equipped to execute a successful axle stall.

4. Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind while attempting an axle stall?

Skateboarding, like any other activity, requires some safety precautions. When attempting an axle stall, consider the following:

1. Proper protective gear: Always wear a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards to protect yourself from potential injuries.

2. Choose appropriate ramps: Start with smaller ramps that match your skill level and gradually progress to larger ones as you gain confidence and experience.

3. Warm-up and stretch: Warm-up exercises and stretching can help prevent muscle injuries and ensure your body is prepared for the physical demands of skateboarding.

4. Skate with a buddy: Having a friend nearby while attempting axle stalls can provide an extra layer of safety, support, and encouragement.

Remember, safety should always be a priority, so take the necessary precautions to minimize the risk of injury.

5. How can I progress from basic axle stalls to more advanced variations?

Once you’ve mastered the basic axle stall, there are several variations you can explore to challenge yourself and progress your skills:

1. Rock-to-fakie: Instead of transitioning straight back down the ramp, you can add a 180-degree turn and ride back down in the opposite direction.

2. Axle stall kickflips: While stalling on the coping, you can incorporate a kickflip, flicking the board with your front foot and catching it before transitioning back down.

3. Axle stall shuvits: Similar to the kickflip variation, you can perform a shuvit motion (rotating the board 180 degrees) while stalling on the coping.

4. Axle stall slides: Once comfortable with the stall, you can attempt sliding your board on the coping by shifting your weight and using your trucks’ grinding surface.

Remember to always progress at your own pace and ensure you have a solid understanding of the basic axle stall before attempting more advanced variations. Safety and proper execution are essential.

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(Lock That Back Truck!) How To: AXLE STALL on a Skateboard | Axle Stall Tutorial


Axle stalls are a cool trick you can do on a skateboard. First, find a ramp or ledge where you can practice. Approach the obstacle with enough speed, crouch down, and pop the tail of your skateboard onto the obstacle. As you get comfortable, you can start adding extra style by grabbing the board or spinning. Axle stalls are all about balance and practice, so keep trying and have fun!

Remember to always wear protective gear like a helmet and pads when skateboarding. Practice in a safe area away from traffic and be aware of your surroundings. With time and practice, you’ll be nailing axle stalls like a pro! Keep shredding!

Author Details
I started this blog to provide complete advance guiding you towards a better and more comfortable variant skateboard experience. I deliver more than tools and skateboard guides and motivate people to use different skateboard. Find him on Facebook & Twitter here. Happy Reading!

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